Caller Name: Toby Cantor
Spam Type: Telemarketer
Last Updated: 8 months ago
Details for 13019605817
This call was from a company called Fedmarket. They’re a marketing company that reaches out to businesses registered to do business with the federal government to help them win contracts. These calls are unsolicited telemarketing calls. This is the voicemail they left us:
This is Toby Cantor with fed Market. I was just touching base about GSA Oasis plus basically Federal Contracting opportunities seeing if that world is a priority for you. If it is would like to outline how we can add value to your efforts immediately been around for 27 years, and so sorry about the long voicemail, but my direct dial is 301-960-5817. Thanks so much, Toby. Talk to you.
According to RoboKiller, they’re classified as negative and are considered spam.
Did you receive a call from this number? Let us know in the comments below when and what the call was about so we can update the information here and help others know who called them.