6 Crucial Apps to Help with Business Protection

Last updated on July 7th, 2024 at 10:50 am

There are lots of low-cost options for a small business to protect itself.

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Data breaches aren’t a joke. Whether an enterprise has any web-based infrastructure, apps, online accounts, or website, everyone is at risk of cyber threats. Though the public only hears about attacks against government websites, banks, and high-profile companies, small businesses have over time become a prime target for disgruntled parties, competitors, and cyber attackers. Their lack of resources make their websites, network systems, and online accounts least-protected. The following are top security apps that every small business should invest in.

Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector 

Businesses with local area networks often use LAN connections to access the web as they are efficient and fast. However, LAN connections are still vulnerable to attacks from disgruntled parties and cybercriminals. However, solutions such as Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector comes with central control for a network to give users more power to protect and monitor their systems and network. While intruders can still find ways into unprotected LAN connections, internet users can utilize this app to examine their traffic and guard their network against any abnormal activity. 

Stay Safe Online 

With this app, internet users can rest assured that someone has their back. Powered by several security alliances, Stay Safe Online is a resource and tool that small businesses can leverage to protect their customers, workers, and operations from attacks, online threats, and data loss. With this app, users can learn to implement a security plan, monitor their threat, assess their risks, and train their workers. It also teaches workers how to respond to an attack and how to report to the relevant authorities. 


It is the best business protection app for low-cost security solutions. A global, award-winning app, Comodo comes with free and affordable security solutions that rarely compromise the reliability and features of their security. Its features include Comodo One, which is a free IT management platform that companies can use to patch their security solutions and monitor and manage their networks remotely.

You can also use it to shield networks and systems from malware-infested devices and prevent ransomware and other viruses from entering a network. It also comes with features such as free security for POS networks, mobile device management, SSL certificates, free antivirus, and firewall protection. It offers all these features for free since it has an app store where people can enhance their security features and purchase add-ons.

Lookout Mobile Security 

Not only desktops and laptops are at risk for a security breach. Apps such as Lookout Mobile Security can help an enterprise protect its network and systems from attacks that emanate from tablets and phones. It can shield, predict, and anticipate all types of mobile threats including risks associated with broken devices and sideloaded apps, data leakage, and malware. The app also comes with advanced tools that users can use to investigate incidents, vet software, manage risks, and ensure compliance with the company’s policies and security regulations.


Small businesses don’t have to spend a fortune to secure their websites. The free Cloudflare app helps fight against malicious attacks such as denial of service and SQL injections, which can result in the closure of a site. Small businesses can leverage fraud detection with confluent and apps such as Cloudflare to detect potential threats, block them, and keep their systems and networks up to date. 


ESET is an ideal solution for small businesses to cover all their bases. It lets users choose from a myriad of security solutions to safeguard their mobile devices, servers, networks, mobile devices, and computers. For example, businesses can use this app to secure their email accounts, file servers, Mac and Windows computers as well as Android and iPhone phones.

ESET also offers custom solutions that small businesses can leverage to build security tools for their network and operations. You can choose these solutions by industry, company size, or product size, where choices include encryption, virtualization security, remote management, endpoint security, file security, two-factor authentication, and email security.

Business Protection Apps For Peace of Mind

Whether you’re a startup or an established small business, security should always be at the forefront of your goals. Taking an up front approach to business protection will build trust with your clients and your employees to help keep your company profitable and minimize liabilities. You can have good cyber security practices even if you’re a small business with minimal budget.

Business Consultant at InnovateBTS |  + posts

Kevin Gardner graduated with a BS in Computer Science and an MBA from UCLA. He works as a business consultant for InnovateBTS where he helps companies integrate technology to improve performance. He shares his knowledge and expertise not only with his clients but with his fellow bloggers and readers.

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