4 Characteristics of an Attractive eCommerce Website

Last updated on July 7th, 2024 at 10:49 am

UX is critical for the success of any online business, and especially for eCommerce sites.

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Photo by athree23 on Pixabay

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To many marketing-oriented business professionals, the attractiveness of a website is more important than some technical aspects (like the behind-the-scenes coding needed for technical SEO). The opposing school of thought is that function must come first and foremost.

The battle between form and function has been raging for millennia, but on the internet, the answer is becoming clear: a mixture of both.

The Rise of the User’s Experience (UX)

The reason for this progression in web design philosophy comes from a change in how search engines work. Engines like Google have long realized that the only way they beat competitors in the long term is by producing the best experience possible. Well, the only way they do that is by presenting websites that give users the best experience possible – part of that is the function, and a lot of it is form. Having an attractive website has never been more important, so what makes an attractive website in the world of eCommerce?

1. Custom CSS

An important part of branding is consistency; your brand should be consistent and breathe life into every single element of your eCommerce store. Themes are great if you’re starting off, but when you want to make an attractive website, your CSS should be fully customized to make the UX smooth and intuitive.

2. Simplicity

When designing your eCommerce site, it can be easy to use interesting and unique elements, fonts, and colors. Still, contemporary web design is all about bringing out the best of the products you’re putting on display. Avoid heavy elements and try to do the essentials right; use a minimalist philosophy to help keep things clear. To quote blackbeltcommerce.com, simplicity is: “all about making the customer experience as seamless and as simple as possible, preferably while taking the least number of clicks of the mouse or taps of the smartphone screen to get to the checkout page.”

3. Letting Your Products do the Talking

If you’ve done your branding right, your website should be attracting the very people who will find your products attractive. Whatever those products are, let them do the talking! People browse eCommerce websites because they want to learn more about products and maybe make some purchases. Keep that in mind, feature the most important products on your home page and do everything you can to help your users find products easily.

Your images should be high quality, but you do need to compress them, so your loading times aren’t compromised.

4. Make Sure You Shine on Every Device

It’s so important in the modern-day to not just make sure you have a mobile site, but to make sure that it looks great. Having a great, attractive mobile-friendly site makes you accessible and impressive to the 70% of web traffic that happens on a mobile device. You should make sure your site is responsive and able to fit many different types of devices – from desktop PCs to tablets and even to games consoles. An important thing to consider is how large your font and elements are. Assume a user is browsing through every page using just their thumbs.

Tech Blogger |  + posts

I'm a lover of all things technology. My favorite topics to write about are web design, SEO, and business marketing.

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